
  1. Arms Up, Heels Up (Inhale) Slouch Forward, Toes Up (Exhale) Repeat
  2. Arms Out (Inhale) Bend Knees, Heels Up, Stretch One Side (Exhale) Arms Out, Stand Up (Inhale) Bend Knees, Heels Up, Stretch Other Side (Exhale) Repeat
  3. Legs Wide, Arms Out, Palms Up Breath Deep and Stand There
  4. Sitting Twists Hands on shoulders, behind head or on head Inhale Twist Left Exhale Twist Right Get into a rhythm and repeat

Alternate Nostril Breathing

  1. Close Right Nostril, Inhale Through Left Nostril
  2. Close Both Nostrils, Hold Breath In
  3. Close Left Nostril, Exhale Right Nostril
  4. Close Both Nostrils, Hold Breath Out
  5. Close Left Nostril, Inhale Right Nostril
  6. Close Both Nostrils, Hold Breath In
  7. Close Right Nostril, Exhale Left Nostril
  8. Close Both Nostrils, Hold Breath OutRepeat for 3 minutes


  • Focus on the Root (between genitals and rectum)
  • Inhale and exhale deeply 3 times
  • On third inhale hold breath, focus attention on Root and create a tangible feeling of gratitude, joy, love, peace..
  • Exhale deeply and sit for a few moments continuing to create the tangible feeling of gratitude, joy, love, peace…
  • Move attention to Sacral  (a few inches below the navel) and repeat
  • Move attention to Solar Plexus (at the base of the sternum) and repeat
  • Move attention to Heart (in the middle of the chest next to heart) and repeat
  • Move attention to Throat (focus on your neck area) and repeat
  • Move attention to Third Eye (a few inches below the navel) and repeat
  • Move attention to Crown (top, center of the head) and repeat
  • Sit for a moment rooting in the feeling of gratitude, joy, love, peace..

To Close

Give yourself a little pat down massage 🙂